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Muhlenkamp & Company believes that continuous portfolio supervision, based on a thorough knowledge of investment fundamentals, economic value, and a sense of timing, is the key to successful investing.


We provide professional investment management for pension plans, profit sharing plans, endowment funds, individual and corporate accounts, wrap fee accounts, and a no-load mutual fund. We endeavor to provide returns after taxes and inflation over periods best measured in years.

Muhlenkamp & Company works closely with clients throughout the planning and portfolio management process. We review each client’s financial situation to determine and clarify investment objectives and goals. We review the risks and rewards that exist in securities investing. When there is a mutual understanding, Muhlenkamp & Company can begin to construct a portfolio to meet the client’s objectives. Each client’s portfolio is then managed on a continuous basis. Our policy is to ensure that clients are kept fully informed about their portfolios; periodic reviews are held with each client. Each client is urged to keep us informed of any change in his/her financial situation so that it may be reflected in our portfolio management.

We place clients’ orders for the purchase or sale of securities with national or regional brokerage firms selected by us. These firms provide a variety of research assistance and may offer superior service or execution. All purchases and sales are reported by the broker directly to us and to the client. Each quarter we provide a complete statement of holdings for all accounts, and a realized gain and loss report for taxable accounts.